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Prep to Step-Up is a post-secondary communication program for Neurodiverse adults.

In partnership with Community Living North Halton (CLNH), Prep To Step-Up began in August of 2014. 


Through a curriculum of Literacy, Math, Science, Musical Therapy/Theatre Arts, Technology,  Social/Life/Organizational Skills and Independence we aim to stimulate the great  potential within our Clients, enhancing self-confidence and improving communication. Twice a Semester, families and Support Staff are invited to participate in seminars which provide insight on Client progress and future planning.

Students of Prep to Step Up, A post secondary education program for Neurodiverse Adults, in Ontario Canada.

We are a true team of dedicated professionals of both youth and wisdom. We recognize a passion from our past experiences to having a responsible obligation to identifying the true learning potential within any adult student with neurodiversities and special abilities. Our goal is to discover each Client's best way of learning; to guide our Clients to feel rewarded and self-empowered to continue independently.


We are eager to support post-secondary adults with Neurodiversities and Special Abilities.

“Open-minded people don’t care to be right.  They care to understand. There’s never a right or wrong answer.  Everything is about learning from each other.”


"We sometimes learn things in unexpected ways. Something spins us around in our tracks, and we suddenly see an avenue that was hidden before. Our axis is tilted, and we right ourselves in a new way. When conditions arise for the possibility of a new path, some teachers have a heightened ability to seize the moment and point the way. Often without pointing at all." - Jon J. Muth


With many years of experience we are those "teachers". We "Never Ignore A Possible". This best describes the Prep to Step-Up Program for Neurodiverse adults.


Clients, family members and support staff, CLNH representatives and all educators (Teachers, Psychologists, Counsellors and Social Workers) form The Circle. The Circle consistently works together for the Client to be exposed to all degrees of success. Evaluations are by the Client, for the Client, continual and self-empowered; there is no ending to the "Possible".

Aim for Change

Inside, Outside and Around the Circle

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"Never Ignore A Possible!"

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