Step-Up News:
December 12th, 2020

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
1. Blow your whistle !
Here we go !
Travel forward
Through the snow !
2. Christmas Wishes
Are all on board.
Taking us onward
To new stories adored.
3. The forests are sparkling.
The mountains rise tall.
The bird’s cheery singing
The train shows-off all !
4. Each car has a reason.
One adds to the next.
Cheery but different
They all bring us their best !
~ Doreen McCall
5. The town shines ahead
Its lights all aglow.
Christmas is coming
With wishes in tow.
6. Be grateful this Christmas.
Remember the train.
It always keeps chugging
Stops are never the same.
7. We see all your faces !
The side windows are filled
With sugar-plum memories
Your smiles give us thrills !
8. Until the next station
Let the Christmas Party begin !
Hear the whistle come calling
Us together again !
Thank you
A heartfelt “Thank You!” to St. Paul’s United Church in Milton for all their consistent support for the Prep to Step-Up Program!
We are sincerely grateful for all you do!
Important Dates
Wednesday, January 6th -
Thursday, March 25th
Next Prep at Home Workbook Program - see more information below or visit the webpage.
Workbook Package Pick-Up in Milton, January 6, 2021 1-3 pm
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Client and Staff Reports due for the next Step-Up News
Tuesday, April 6th
Next possible date to return to Prep to Step-Up on-site - we will keep you posted.

From our hearts to your homes, Everyone at Prep to Step-Up sends you
Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Healthy Holiday !

Remember to Sign-up ASAP!
The next Prep at Home Workbook Program starts January 6, 2021.
Please spread the word - the more the merrier !
Read more information below or visit the website for more information.
Prep at Home Workbook Program:
Winter Wonderland
January 6 - March 25, 2021
The program includes 2, 45 page full colour workbooks, professionally written and designed for Neurodiverse Adults and available in 3 levels of ability. The workbooks are complemented by 9 Zoom sessions; 3 per month to encourage conversation and socialization.
Cost: $500.00 (This includes resources to complete the program)
Payment by eTranfer (, or cash/cheque on pick up day.
Reciepts issued promptly for Passport reimbursement.
For more information or to register your interest, please contact Doreen McCall or 905-699-2269. Calls Welcomed.

Harry is enjoying the Prep from Home Workbook Program.
The holidays are near! It’s been a pleasure doing our Zoom meetings for this semester. It was extra fun to discuss the holiday themed activities in Workbook #2. We all learned a lot - for example, the life cycle of a snowflake! Here is a festive photo I took of some Christmas lights.
Talk to you soon!

Art Projects completed from the Prep at Home Workbook #2. Beautiful work, Shaun !
Shaun gave his baby niece the pine cone reindeer ornament for Christmas !
Rebecca on a winter walk.

1. The Peary Reindeer is commonly considered to be the reindeer used to pull Santa’s Sleigh ! Their ability to run at a very fast speed enables them to perform a suspended leap to mount above the ground for 7 seconds at a time, qualifying them as a reindeer that flies. They also live very close to the North Pole in both Canada and Norway.
2. Male Peary Reindeer lose their antlers in the Fall. Females keep their antlers over the winter until Spring. All Santa’s Reindeer are girls.
3. The story of Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer was written by a Canadian father, Robert (Bob) L. May. After losing his wife, Evelyn to cancer a few short days before Christmas in 1938, Bob struggled to give his daughter, Barbara a Christmas of hope.
He couldn’t afford presents so he created a story that was similar to his own growing-up years of hardship as a young boy in Toronto, Ontario. He had been bullied as a boy and felt like an outcast just like Rudolph. He gave the story to his daughter at Christmas in 1938.
Bob was a copy-writer at the Timothy Eaton Department Store. They loved his ‘little book’ and printed it to give out to all the children who came to see Santa Claus in all their stores in Canada.
Bob’s brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, wrote the song version of the story in 1949.
Our Canadian Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer continues to share the story of hope to everyone at Christmas. One families’ struggles have become joyous thoughts for all !

Holiday Fun Facts

Holiday Videos
Arctic Animals
The Christmas Song
Listen to the Sounds of Christmas
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
A Canadian Christmas
Word Search