In anticipation of a possible opening for the programme in the Fall, we are currently working with St. Paul’s United Church and Halton Health Services as to what that may look like. Please watch for our survey to be sent out next week for your thoughts and input.
We have always maintained that the health and safety for our Clients and Staff is our main priority at Prep to Step-Up. Returning to the program will be no exception.
There are a multitude of health and safety protocols assigned by all levels of government that must be honoured in order for us to open.
As important members of our Circle, we welcome your opinions on various presentations on the program and how we can implement them within those assigned protocols.
We thank you, in advance for taking the time to complete this survey.
In anticipation of opening it is important that everyone be in the habit of wearing a mask, washing our hands regularly and properly as well as respecting physical distancing.
In the body of this newsletter you will find a visual explanation on the importance of wearing a mask. Beginning July 22nd, Halton Region has mandated that everyone wear a non-medical mask in public spaces.
Please go to for additional help and up-to-date information. There are many helpful videos under Awareness Resources that can visually explain many of the health and safety protocols.
As far as we know, anyone that participated at Prep to Step-Up is currently healthy and has returned safely to Canada.
This is an unprecedented and unpredictable time. Please know we are here to support you as much as we can. If you have questions or we can assist you in a proactive way, we will do our best to be helpful.
Contact either or to stay connected.
Step-Up News:
July 18th, 2020

Our Cheery Greeting Today Comes from All the Many Colours of the Rainbow!
Note to Families
The beautiful colours in a rainbow shine to remind us of hope. When do we see a rainbow? We usually see a rainbow in the sky after a big rain storm. The weather gets upset or angry for a while but then usually says sorry by sending us a rainbow to help us feel safe and comforted again. How are rainbow's formed? Watch this video - It is a pretty amazing formation in nature!
Did you know that a rainbow is really a complete circle and not just the arc that we usually see? The bottom half of a rainbow disappears but there are times we can see the full rainbow circle up in the sky. This reminds me of our Sharing Circles at Prep to Step-Up, they keep us together. You can still practice your sharing at home and we hope you do! Be mindful. Talking, writing down or drawing your ideas and thoughts can help to make you feel safer and more comfortable.

During these times of Covid19, we are all fortunate to have caring family and friends around us to help us understand and feel safe about all that is going on. We help each other with kindness. We may have a lot of questions, and we don't always have all the answers. It may feel hard to wait patiently for answers but remember this ‘storm’ will pass if we wait patiently together. We can become the rainbows for each other after Covid19 is over, just like after a storm. As time passes, we can see the brilliant colours growing inside of us. When we are able to get together again, those colours will shine together, and we will see hope in each other, just like a rainbow! Just like the rainbow, you will shine after the storm!
What do rainbows mean to you?
Have you ever seen a double one?
Does it help you to feel a little happier at the wonder of its appearance?
Does it help you to feel hopeful that the sun will shine
When Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz sings the popular song, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, she sings it after feeling frustrated at being out of place and misunderstood, trying to understand why she might loose Toto, her dog. She then travels far away - over the rainbow - and discovers her love of home where all the answers come from. Home is where she can rely on her family and friends to always be there for her.
While trying to beat the heat, I have seen some beautiful sunrises and sunsets during my daily walks.

In keeping with the rainbow theme, I also wanted to include a throwback photo of our ‘I Can Eat a Rainbow’ wall from Prep. Maybe this is a project that can be recreated at our homes this summer as a reminder to try eating a variety of fresh and colourful fruits and veggies.
Be well, Erica.
Ian has been spending his time painting beautiful pictures. As you know, he likes to use all of the colours of the rainbow to bring his work to life.
This sea turtle is full of vibrant colours.
What colours do you like to use in your art?
After 8 years with the St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog Program - Milton & Halton Hills - our canine friend, handsome Robbie is retiring! We are sincerely grateful for all the calming visits, wagging tails, and those so-soft eyes. You helped us feel safe and cared for. Here’s to lots of wags, cuddles, and naps ahead!
Enjoy your retirement!

Hi everyone!
For my activities I have been trying some online yoga classes at home and watching the sunset every night. Each sunset looks different and some are so colourful, like a rainbow!
Here is a picture of me watching the sunset and enjoying the orange and yellow colours. On rainy days I always look out for rainbows but have not seen one this summer yet.
A way I can make my own rainbow is by colouring in a colouring book! Here is a picture of a dog and some flowers that I will be working on.
I will show all of you the finished product in the next newsletter. Hope you are all continuing to stay safe!
Talk to you soon, Aleksa
Hi all!
Here is a photo of Stripe (my new puppy) and myself at the white water centre. We were there for our daily walk with my brother’s two other dogs!
I hope everyone is finding new ways to stay busy!
Take care, Cassandra
Hi Everyone!
I hope you are all happy and healthy during our time away from Prep to Step-Up. I often think about what you may all be up to! I have been taking time to do things I really enjoy like nature walks and even the Drive-In movies. I have also been video calling with my loved ones. In my picture you can see my cousins new puppy named Pixie and my best friends new baby girl named Audrey! I can’t wait to see all of you in our circle again soon.
I've been spending time with my grandchildren.
Here is a How-To Video on making paper fans, these will keep you cool on hot days. Perhaps you remember making them before? You can use regular glue to stick the paper together where it tells you to use double-backed sticky tape.
Stay Cool!

Literacy Exercise
Make a list of new words beginning with each letter.
Words to look up in the dictionary: HOPE, FRUSTRATED, PATIENT
Story Time
Relax and listen to these stories. They share the beauty of all that a rainbow can give us. These are still some of my favourite stories! Enjoy! ~Doreen

We hope to hear all about your activities, your gardens, your art projects and all that you’re learning about the next time we join our Circle again! Please be as safe as you can be by agreeing to respect all the health and safety protocols or rules. They really help everyone stay well. Remember, even if we can’t see your smile through a mask, your eyes are always smiling, “Hello”!
From All of Us at Prep to Step-Up, Please Take Good Care of Yourselves!

An Activity from Aleska
Music Videos to sing along to

Activities and Pictures