Registration & Payment
If you haven’t already handed in your Registration Form and Payment for the Fall Semester, we would appreciate receiving it promptly.
Registration and Payment are due on the first day of the Semester!
Pick-up Drop-off Times
Since the Church lease goes from 9:30 am - 3:30 pm, we must insist on Clients being dropped off no earlier than 9:45 am and picked up no later than 3:15 pm when Staff can be available.
Most Staff have second jobs that require them leaving promptly after 3:15 pm. Thank you in advance for your dedicated efforts.
Inclement Weather
On the rare occasion when Prep to Step-Up is cancelled because of challenging weather conditions, an email will be sent before 7:30 am.
Our decision to cancel is based on local weather reports, school and bus closures and common sense. Our priority is the safety for everyone!
Important Dates
Seminar Night
Tuesday, Nov. 19th 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Funding Team Meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 19th 4:45 - 6:00 pm
Celebration Day
Thursday, Nov. 28th 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Our Prep to Step-Up website is our Main Source for Communication.
Please check it out regularly. We have recently added Our Community Stars and Useful Resources that include important information available to our Prep Families.
If you know of contacts that would be of interest to share please, let us know.
New Contact Email for Registrations and Inquiries
Please also see under ‘Support Prep’, our GoFundMe Page and under ‘Contact Us’, our Prep for Press which can be downloaded or printed for easy distribution.
The Prep Funding Team
... is entering its 11th Month and is in need of Volunteers.
As per the Team’s Terms of Reference, at least one parent or guardian is required to be part of this very important initiative. We are looking for your expertise and advice on the committee.
Only 1-2 hours per month is needed to attend a monthly meeting. This is your opportunity to have a voice!
Please contact Chair, Susan Dunne or Doreen to discuss how you can best help keep Prep to Step-Up thrive well into the future!
Without your voice as a parent/guardian, the Funding Team is at risk of disbanding. We thank you in advance for your consideration
Step-Up News:
November 3rd, 2019
Welcome to November!
November is a month to ‘pause’ as part of the practice of mindfulness. We pause between holidays, pause to honour our veterans and remember those that fought for our right to breathe. We pause to prepare for the brilliance and quiet of Winter and pause to plan on spending time with loved ones, including family and friends over holiday celebrations in December.
November gives us the 'Time and Space' to Pause, Relax, Evaluate and Prepare. P. R. E. P. could be the acronym to practice Mindfulness when you need a little reminder to embrace a quiet moment to take pause before the next beautiful moment.
Part of Mindfulness is being thankful for the joy and celebration for moments ahead with less anxiety and more comfort and calm. Everyone at Prep to Step-Up is looking forward to the remaining weeks studying Mindfulness, continuing to explore
A Bug’s Life and
discovering Finding
Nemo. Sometimes
accepting the lessons
given by the smallest
beings teach us the most!
Enjoy your Pause!
~Doreen McCall~
This poem was learned to help show practicing acts of kindness at Prep to Step-Up has the same affect as a smile!
Read it together! Don’t forget to smile at the end!
Winter Semester Registration is now Open
January 7th - March 12th, 2020
Due to Increased Enrolment, Registration is Limited! New Client Inquiries coming in. Secure Your Spot! A Deposit of $150.00 is required by Nov. 28th. Cash, Cheque or e-Transfer
You are our best ambassadors for Prep to Step-Up! If you promote the program to someone new who definitely signs up, there will be a 10% deduction from your fee.
Rotation Reports
Literacy has been busy following Toy Story's importance of Friendship and Inside Out's importance of Feelings. The 5 primary emotions were explored in a timely manner before guest speakers from S.A.V.I.S., came to talk about Self Care and honouring those feelings. Continuing the 5 W Principal's of Who, What, When, Where and Why you can read the wonderful answers the clients shared in their writing exercises in both Rotation and Electives. "Who brings you Joy?" was a question that they answered and then took the time to listen to each other. Some of them shared that it is their friends at Prep that bring them Joy.
Clients also added fun with some of them "writing" letters to someone they admire and others "reading" about letters other people have written with the objective of helping a much-loved Grandfather. They continue to challenge difficult words and look up the definitions when needed. The library is a busy spot in the mornings and at the end of the day! It’s a great place for them to hang out and share some of the books they like!
Words to Look Up - honouring and challenge
Spell the Word, Say the Word, Define the Word
Math / DPA:
The clients have been working through many wonderful sectors of Math recently, having conquered more doors as the weeks pass. We have just completed ’The Store’ and ‘The Bank’ with everyone finally getting to spend, save or share their hard-earned money from ‘The Choice Chart’. The clients worked in two shifts again, doing a fantastic job greeting, cashing and banking, setting up, and selling the amazing products available. Everyone worked very hard and should be very proud!
Over the next few weeks, as we move into the closing part of the Semester, we will be completing our journey through the math doors we have set out for ourselves. Learning a few more things about money, practicing our perceptions and concepts surrounding time, and finishing off with iPad skills and internet etiquette will be our paramount focus.
Words to Look Up - sectors and paramount
Spell the Word, Say the Word, Define the Word
Science and Geography:
In order to further develop our understanding of energy, we have been applying our knowledge to real world examples. Inspired by Toy Story, we tested various toys in order to identify and categorize them according to energy type. We learned that many types of energy can occur at once and through various senses, like the sound and light energy experienced during a fun game of Operation.
Electrical energy has been another topic of discussion. Using a battery, wires, and a lightbulb, we created circuits. This hands-on activity was a great opportunity to develop problem solving skills and experiment with the effects that open and closed circuits have on the flow of electricity and light production.
As we move towards the end of the semester, we will be learning more about fireflies and how these insects are able to produce light energy without the use of electricity. Using glowsticks as a model of chemical energy, we will finish off the semester with some eye-catching experiments!
Words to Look Up - categorize and production
Spell the Word, Say the Word, Define the Word
Our second Pixar movie favourite was Toy Story, which highlighted Kindness and Feelings. Clients had a wonderful time creating Mr. Potato Head by cutting out features and accessories from colourful card-stock before assembling. This project was a hoot which everyone enjoyed!
The following week we paid homage to Buzz Lightyear by making “To Infinity and Beyond” posters. A great success!
In the Art Elective we used popsickle sticks, paper, Pom-Poms and a little sparkle to create fantasy scarecrows. A fun-filled opportunity for focus and conversation!
The movie, A Bug’s Life, is our third adventure to help us practice Mindfulness. ‘First, Then and Next’ are focus words that helped us to create the many steps of making a paper roll Chrysalis which houses a butterfly made from a decorated clothes pin and dyed coffee filter. Everyone had such awesome ideas! What fabulous creations!
Words to Look Up - awesome and fabulous
Spell the Word, Say the Word, Define the Word
The Power of Laughter!
Throughout this Semester in Skills-at-Will we have been diving into the meanings of Friendship and Teamwork, increasing our understanding, week to week, of what it means to be a good friend. We have also been learning about ourselves and how to be a good friend to others.
Teamwork has been an important piece as we have been completing team building exercises. We have talked about the characteristics of Teamwork and where we see Teamwork practiced on a daily basis. We have spoken about the importance of Friendship and Teamwork and how they can relate to our everyday lives. Completing different activities like our Scavenger Hunt provided a way for each person to learn more about others in their group.
We are looking forward to continuing Teamwork and practicing related activities. Teamwork from A Bug’s Life and the Power of Pursuit from Finding Nemo will finish up the Semester and how Mindfulness can support the ‘Best That We Can Be’ for ourselves and each other!
Words to Look Up - characteristics and increasing
Spell the Word, Say the Word, Define the Word