Step-Up News:
April 17th, 2021

RESTORE OUR EARTH - Let Us Do it Together !
Earth Day, April 22nd, 2021
Over the past year we have all come together at home
with our ‘families’ or online to make the best we can from a new experience. Our World has been turned upside down and we are left behind wondering,
“Why did this happen ?” and “What’s coming next ?”
We have faced changes and challenges that are new to us. We have done this by being brave, adaptive and patient. Bravo !
We have relearned the small and simple things around us that can give us constant support. We have felt new feelings about what family means to us, never to take them for granted ever again. We have learned to take in a deep breath, look around in the quiet and exhale slowly.
When you watch Jane Goodall’s video below on the
World Pandemic, you will learn that it is highly possible
that many viruses over the past 20 years are a result of how we have treated our planet; of how we have taken it for granted.
A home is a place of safety but it needs care to keep it
that way. As a ‘family’ we must all do our best together to keep it clean, free of garbage, keeping it quiet and filled with smiles. If we don’t, our home can become an unsafe place of germs and stress, possibly making us sick. We add important things to our homes to help us feel good and safe; books, gardens, trees for the birds, music, art, healthy foods and big chairs or sofas to cuddle up in.
When you take care of your home, you are taking care
of the Earth. You are being responsible.
Our Planet Earth is one big home where all the people
on it live together. Just like the ones each of us live in, we must work together as one big family to make sure we do our best to take care of our planet home. We must plant more trees and gardens, think of new ways to reuse everything, become more environmentally responsible. We must take more time to repair things that are broken instead of throwing them away, listen to what the Earth needs, take care, walk softly but with purpose.
Even though we have gotten forgetful about the care our Planet Earth needs to stay healthy so that we don’t get sick, it has not forgotten how to share the best of itself with us to help keep us happy and feeling like part of the family. It has shared with us a continual support with a new Spring of new buds on the trees and birds returning to sing for us; Orcas on
the British Columbia coast having more calves or babies for us to love and wonder at. The air and water are still here in all their freshness and beauty to keep us safe. From our home to your home, Thank you Planet Earth !
What do you think ? Can you and your family do more to give back to our miracle of a planet to keep it healthy and happy ? Yes; there are many challenges and sometimes it takes more time
and more work to do the right thing but the necessary thing. It is a very large ‘family’ of billions of people after all !
On World Earth Day, April 22nd, I challenge you and your family to have a brainstorming session to come up with just one thing you can all agree to do to restore the smile on our Planet Earth. The smile right now is lop-sided ! 🥴 We can all do this !
Love to hear your ideas!
Let’s come up with a long list !
There is a lot of ideas in the videos below. You can share your ideas on that list for the next newsletter !
Thinking of everyone with love and trust that we can all ‘Be the Best We Can Be !’ Have a wonderful, sunny Earth Day!
For the Prep to Step-Up Team;
~~ Doreen
Spring Workbook - #6
Pick up:
May 19th, 1-3pm at Anne's House
Next Newsletter May 15th
Submissions Reports Due - 13th
Photos welcomed.
We want to hear what you are doing and how you are feeeling. Everyone is welcome to participate.
Summer Workbook Program
July and August
Taking a poll - How many of you are interested? Let your Zoom Educator know, or contact
Happy Birthday Wishes
Sing along to send Best Wishes from the Prep to Step-Up Circle for
a very Happy Birthday to:
Kyle - April 12th
Shaun - April 15th
Deon - May 9th

From the Prep Circle

Make a Leprechaun Hat
Step by step instructions
Earth Day Crafts
‘The Whole World is made of miracles !
It is just we are so used to seeing them,
We call them ordinary things.’

Hans Christian Andersen
Rebecca discovers the colourful little miracle flowers of Spring on her many nature walks.
Jonathan likes to go on long walks with his dad. One of his favorite destinations is the pond a few blocks away from his house. There he
sees ducks, geese,
cranes, rabbits,
squirrels and
even a muskrat.
He is also learning
the names of types
of trees. He knows
pine, spruce, cedar,
sumach and willow.
He also likes to
name the streets on
his walks.

Plastic Bottle Planter
Cut off the upper third of the pop bottle.
Place a hole in the centre of the bottle cap.
Knot a short piece of string a thumb’s length down from the top and feed it through the hole with the knotted end showing inside the bottle cap. The thumb’s length will be buried at the bottom up into the soil as a water supply.
Place a thick elastic band around the top of the cut edge of the bottle to hold in place when inverted.
Fill the bottom of the bottle with water as shown.
Invert the top of the bottle inside the body of the bottle.
Fill the inverted bottle with soil.
Plant seeds near top of the soil.
Lightly water and place in the sun like on a sunny indoor windowsill.
Watch for the little sprouts grow green and strong, just like YOU !

Earth Day Videos
Our Planet Videos
Earth Day Songs
Word Search