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Supporting Prep to Step-Up

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Prep to Step-Up is a unique program that started supporting neurodiverse adults and their families in 2013.


It provides an education/communication programme that fosters learning and life skills opportunities to live more able, inclusive lives after high school.

Through the yearly programme of 3 Semesters of 10 weeks each, Clients learn:

  • to communicate more effectively

  • to interact and work well with each other

  • to be cognitively stimulated to want to learn more

  • to learn self-care, accepting themselves confidently as they are 

  • to learn how to self-regulate through mindfulness

  • to feel trusted and joyous as an inclusive, valuable community


Families who are raising neurodiverse individuals through adulthood require continued support from a wider community, to ensure they are offered a wide range of experiences so they don’t slide into a life of isolation, depression or a feeling that they don’t have what it takes to live a rewarding life.

Prep to Step-Up offers these unique individuals opportunities to define their independence, explore their personalities, use the skills they have to be more self-empowered, and to be part of a community that embraces them.

“Prep to Step-Up challenges my son to not only try new things but to be brave enough to do so!”
~Client’s Father

“Prep to Step-Up provides the only vehicle within the Halton Region for adults that are the same as everybody else but like to do things differently, to progress in knowledge and good health and, for some, independence. ~Client’s Mom & Dad


Why We Need Your Help


Running a program like Prep to Step-Up takes endless amounts of energy, heart and inevitably, funds.

As a not-for-profit, the fees families pay go a long way to covering the costs of offering this programme, but with increasing financial demands and an increasing number of competitive requests for government funding, we need your help to continue offering the Prep to Step-Up programme in 2019 and beyond.

Should you choose to support Prep to Step-Up, you will be:

  • Helping to secure a safe and accessible space where the programme can be run

  • Making sure there are adequate supplies available for exploring the World around them and to foster their creative thinking ie. iPads, Speech Boards or Apps, Science Equipment, Art Supplies, etc.

  • Helping build a productive adulthood by giving these individuals a more secure ‘starting line’, supported by professional, experienced Staff ie. Educators/Teachers, Social Workers, Speech Therapists, etc.  

  • Ensuring a future for this proven programme to help support Clients once they leave home (assisted living) or after the primary caregiver has passed on

  • Encouraging the availability of having as much education as anyone has the birth right to expect

  • Supporting our motto, “Never Ignore a Possible!”

    Thank You for Supporting Prep to Step-Up!
    Choosing to become a supporter of the Prep to Step-Up community is something that comes from the heart-felt kindness of being the best neighbour you can be!

    Donate Today and become part of making “The Possible!”, a reality!  


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