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Step-Up News: 
February 13th, 2021

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February Fun with Friends and Family
Flying Lanterns

Wow!  February is just full of events to celebrate!
We have International Love of Reading Month, Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day, Family Day and Black History Month!

These give us all great opportunities to celebrate each other in the best possible ways.  We can read to each other, make special cards or write notes to each other, do more activities together as a family and learn so much more about the diversity in our communities.

Such a month filled with colour and history there is something for everyone to enjoy and celebrate!  We hope you enjoy your friendships and family in the best possible ways!

Be kind to each other. 

Be kind to yourselves.  Celebrate!


Next pick-up date

Wednesday, April 7th, 2021


Next Pick-Up date for the Spring Prep at Home Workbook Program 

Important Dates

Next Newsletter

Saturday, March 13th


Client and Staff Reports and photos appreciated by March 11th.

Looking forward to reading and seeing EVERYONE's SHARES.

Happy Birthday Wishes

Please join Harry and Everyone
in the Prep to Step-Up Circle
in sending Happy Birthday
Wishes to:


Mohammed - January 26
Harry - February 1
Sam - February 6
Alvin - February 10
Rebecca - February 21
Gregory - March 3

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Remember to Sign-up ASAP!


The next Prep at Home Workbook Program starts April 7th, 2021. 

Please spread the word - the more the merrier !


Read more information below or visit the website for more information.

Prep at Home Workbook Program:
'Springing' Forward Together !

April 7 - June 17, 2021

The program includes 2, 45 page full colour workbooks, professionally written and designed for Neurodiverse Adults and available in 3 levels of ability. The workbooks are complemented by 9 Zoom sessions; 3 per month to encourage conversation and socialization.

Cost: $500.00 (This includes resources to complete the program)

Payment by eTranfer (, or cash/cheque on pick up day.

Receipts issued promptly for Passport reimbursement.

For more information or to register your interest, please contact Doreen McCall  or  905-699-2269.   Calls Welcomed.

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Photographer Tobias Baumgaertner
Two Fairy Penguins - Melbourne Skyline, Australia 
Oceanographic Magazine Ocean Photography Awards 2020

Short story surrounding the award winning photo
of the two Fairy Penguins in Australia.

If we travel way down to the Indian Ocean between Antarctica and Australia, we can find a lovely gathering of rocks that make up Penguin Island.  Set as part of the Mud Islands at the entrance to Port Phillips Bay, these two Fairy Penguins regularly meet to take in the city lights of Melbourne, Australia.  Like diamonds thrown across a black velvet mantle this night time display is often enjoyed by the two friends.

Each Penguin Friend has come from a different family.  They have been tracked for years by scientists to learn more about the lives of the Penguins of Antarctica. These two fairy Penguins, one much older than the other, had lost their forever friends or mates during the previous three years.  Penguins never take on another mate, remaining loyal to the first one they had chosen. Somehow these two, after having lost their own mates, have met regularly to come together as pals to keep each other company and to enjoy the night lights of Melbourne together.

This award winning photo shows us that the warm friendship of company and common interests can bring us a soft feeling of hope and safety that all will be OK.

You only need to look at our natural world to learn from its lessons of adaptation and survival that anyone can be kind to another and to enjoy the beauty our planet displays for us. 

The Prep Circle in Pictures

Messages from the Prep Circle

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Greetings everyone,


I hope all of you have been going through an okay start of the New Year 2021 throughout this past January and parts of February despite Covid-19. My family and I are still in good healthy spirit.


Throughout a couple weeks for me, I've been working on a new colourful Hibiscus flower painting as part of a possible future hope for this year's Spring and Summer.


My parents and I also had a 'little moment' one evening at my sister and her husband's backyard where we have a special warm Outdoor Winter Fire Pit. For me, a fire pit not only provides warmth, but it's also a worthwhile addition to any outdoor area during the winter to add ambiance and warmth that creates an inviting cozy atmosphere throughout the cold months to relax ourselves of any stress.


So stay safe everyone! I hope you all find your special cozy Winter atmosphere and stress-free moments.


Best of wishes,



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A Valentine’s Day Card from John to All His Friends at Prep to Step-Up


A Valentine’s Day Card from John to All
A Valentine’s Day Card from John to All

One of the greatest challenges during the past 12 months has been a loss of regular face-to-face connection and communication with friends, especially from our Circle and Rotations at Prep.

We have had to adapt to stay-at-home guidelines including more frequent hand

washing and social distancing.  It hasn’t always been easy.

I am so blessed to be sharing thoughts, feelings and emotions with some of you on the Prep Check-In Zoom Visits.  Developing the Art Activities together has been a wonderful way to stay connected to Prep.


Learning information and discussing your findings has been a fun and exciting

learning opportunity for all of us.


Thank you for helping me stay connected !

Stay safe and warm my friends !   



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Julia Donaldson has written a number of books such as:

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Celebration Images and Activities:

Love of Reading Month

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Julia Donaldson has also written a new book that is a twist on her other stories and looks at important messages during the pandemic... here are a few of the pages, can you think of other stories that include important messages?

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Chinese New Year


Black History Month

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Find out more about Black History

Valentine's and Family Day

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A few extras

If you like to listen to the birds in the trees, here is an activity that will help you learn how they all sound.


They all sound different...


Which ones do you recognize?


Which ones are your favourite?


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