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Step-Up News: 
January 16th, 2021

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Celebrate the little moments...
Winter Views

Perhaps over the holidays you were inspired by all the colourful lights up and down the street or the bursts of brilliant fireworks on New Year’s Eve.


They can help make us feel that all is good with the whole wide world, taking us to moments of a perfect, safe and positive time shared with people who understand the exact same experience in the exact same moment.   Then the bursts in the sky disappear, the colours ebb away like a wave 

returning to the sea.  We look at each other knowing we have all seen a beautiful thing that instantly becomes a memory we are grateful to recall at any time.


We don’t always need bright sights to feel excited or happy.  Memories can be wonderful and dependable to help us feel good.  I can’t tell you how many beautiful memories I have that have saved me in the moment but we don’t always need brilliant and colourful to help us feel safe and happier.


The first moment you wake up in the morning can be exciting !  This is your own moment, no one else’s ! Lie there for a moment and with each deep breath take in the light coming in the window. 

Are there clouds in the sky ?  Are they in a race or are they sitting prettily waiting for you to paint them later ?   Perhaps people or pets are already up and about as you hear them begin their day.  Is there the smell of coffee ?  Take it all in and 


This is one moment in a day filled with many moments full of the potential to give us lots of feel-good memories.  They are a gift to us.  We just need to pull the ribbon and open up the box (day) to let the beauty out.  Let us breathe in the moments of our walks every day.  Let us use all that we are to live in each moment that has already been given to us.


Next pick-up date

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021


Next Pick-Up date for the second Winter Prep at Home Workbook Program 

Important Dates


Wednesday, February 10th


Client and Staff Reports and photos due for the next Step-Up News.

Looking forward to reading and seeing EVERYONE's SHARES.

Yes, there are sad moments.  There are frustrating moments.  There are lonely moments.  These moments are as real as the positive ones.  But we do have choices.  


Begin with the first moment of the day and choose to be in a moment of new, of beauty, of what is actually being given to you. 


You deserve the new.  You deserve the beauty.  You deserve the choice.  Your family and friends deserve them, too. This is important.  That is why you may hear the expressions, “We are in this together !” or “We can do this together !”


After that first moment in the morning, get up out of bed and try  your very best to go through the rest of the day with the best you may have felt in that first moment when you first woke up.  It may seem a little corny.  It will take practice but that first moment is yours and only yours, no one else’s. How wonderful !  Give yourself the first gift of another beautiful day !  Remember, rain can be beautiful, too !


We wish only the positive for you !  We believe that every person has the beauty inside them to have lots of potential;  to learn as much as they choose from that potential, to thrive and survive, to have the choice to feel “ the best you can be “ !


So, let us celebrate not only a New Year but every little moment that comes to us in this New Year of 2021 !


For the next Step-Up News coming out February 13th, we want you to put your own words or pictures together to share ‘a little moment’ in your day.  You can use the 5 W’s to guide you.


Sharing your ‘little moment’ will be a gift to someone else to help them feel good, to

let them know they are not alone.  We will look forward to seeing your shares.  Photos are excellent examples of a ‘little moment’ caught by the camera to become a memory.  Sending us a photo is a great share, too !


We really can’t know when, but this year of 2021 will give us many new moments to share and to learn from.  Our Prep Circle is a time for sharing.  We will come together again built by the many beautiful moments you have all experienced in your Family Circles.  We can only imagine the grand level of beautiful voices we can all look

forward to !


For the Prep to Step-Up Team, Doreen McCall

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Canada in Winter


From the bottom of our hearts......


   Thank you for your patience !

   Thank you for your care !

   Thank you for all the rules

   That keep us safe and fair !


   Thank you for Our Canada !

   Thank you for our home !

   Thank you for being YOU,

   Please know you are not alone !

                            ~ Doreen McCall

Practice !  Practice !  Practice !


1.  Keep hands away from face.

2.  Wash your hands often.

3.  Wear your mask !

4.  Social-Distance outside your  


5.  Eat well !  

6.  Sleep well !

7.  Take walks often !

8.  Be kind and helpful to others !
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Messages from the Prep Circle

During his first Zoom Visit of the Winter Prep at Home Workbook Program, John wanted to pass a message to all his friends at Prep to Step-Up !  


‘John wants to tell everyone at Prep that he says, “Hi !”  


He misses everyone and hopes to be back with everyone very soon !’


Happy New Year Everyone !

I thought I would share about the first Winter Workbook Pick-Up of 2021, from my home on January 6th.


The day started off very cold and grey.  Not a very uplifting day, weather wise!

Pick-Ups were to take place from 1 - 3 pm in the afternoon. As the time approached the skies brightened up and the sun shone !  As people came by to collect their new workbooks it was good to see everyone !

Most people stayed in their car with masks.  I, too wore a mask and gloves as I walked down to hand over the workbook packages.

  1. Choose a spot in your home that is accessible to everyone.

  2. Materials needed
    * a small, different coloured Post-It Pad for each member in the house
    * pencils, pens in cup holder
    * empty tissue box, cubed one is ideal

  3. Each day or as often in the week you choose, print an affirmation word or glue a cut-out picture on your own coloured pad of paper.

  4. Once complete, place your ‘The Little Moment Message’ in the tissue box.

  5. At one meal time per week of your choice, and after you have eaten your meal, deal out the ‘Little Moments’ like a pack of cards.

  6. Using the written words or glued-on pictures, each person around the table will share the stories from the notes in front of them.

  7. Discuss a few favourites.

  8. Post on a communal board to be re-freshened each week.

  9. Celebrate !

Activity - Little Moments Centre

We shared some holiday tales and a few uplifting catch-up moments.  We all miss Prep to Step-Up but the Workbook Program together with the Zoom visits are helping us stay connected.

So stay safe my friends !  I have a message for us all on my light box.     


Love, Anne



Hi everyone! Hope you are all doing well !

Some of my favourite holiday memories are looking at all of the Christmas lights and huge inflatable snowmen in my neighbourhood. I also enjoyed doing some holiday baking and cooking.

Some positive affirmations for the New Year include waking up and having the attitude that "Today is going to be a great day" and "My days are positive and filled with hope". I also like to make a list of things I am grateful for in my life to express how thankful I am.

Wishing You All a Safe and Happy New Year !  




Snowman Life


How Birds Survive Winter


You're In My Chair

Word Search


Encourages listening, conversation, socialization and awareness of others, taking turns and sharing opinions.

Encourage everyone in the household to share their ‘Little Moments’ but at least 2-3 a week. You can use more words or pictures to the note than one.


You can also have a box or envelope of pre-printed words or pictures readily available. Some are in the Box below. Great for all ‘families’ !

Box of Affirmation Words

Yes         Nice         Great       Did it !        Sunny      Sing       Dance    

Scent      Taste       Breathe    Laugh        Smile       Good       Wonderful

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