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Step-Up News: 
November 14th, 2020

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We Miss You !
Autumn River Leaves

“We Miss You !” seems to be said more often these days than, “See you soon !” 

John was kind enough to take the time to make us all this thoughtful card to share what we are all feeling. Thank you, John. Your words fit the thoughts we all have in our hearts every day.

Unless you are over a hundred years old, living with COVID-19 now is a completely new experience for everyone.  It has brought us all new changes we are not used to.  We are all going through the same experiences together, no matter who we are, what age we are or where we live in this wonderful world of ours.  Everyone can feel anxious, sad and fearful.  When we waken in the morning, the questions begin.

How many cases will there be today ? 

How are my friends doing ? 

Will I be safe today ?

At Prep to Step-Up we have learned to be a team, to be patient with ourselves and each other, to say kind things and support each other when we are having a bad day.  You can frown at us, but we can always smile at you !  We choose to smile because
it is the best thing to do !  A smile helps us to feel safe ! 

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Important Dates


Tuesday, December 9th

Client and Staff Reports due for the next Step-up News

Theme - “My Favourite Christmas !”

Saturday, December 12th

Next Step-Up News


Wednesday, January 6th -
Thursday, March 25th

Next Prep at Home Workbook Program - see more information below or visit the webpage.

Workbook Package Pick-Up in Milton, January 6, 2021 1-3 pm


Tuesday, April 6th

Next possible date to return to Prep to Step-Up on-site - we will keep you posted.

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Do you agree ?

Our Prep at Home Workbook Program has given us all the chance to talk with each other and see each other on Zoom.  It may even help us feel like we are still continuing with our usual Prep program, just not at the Church. We are still working together as a
team.  We are still trying our best to be patient.  We are still choosing to share smiles with everyone. 


We are all doing important work toward feeling safe.  In these ways, Prep to Step-Up is still going forward and together we are all making sure that we are living a little bit of Prep every day !

The ‘work’ includes: 

  • the walks you take

  • the rocks you paint

  • the supper you cook

  • the leaves you rake

  • the masks you wear

  • the hands you wash

  • the face you don't touch

  • the room you keep tidy

  • the pages you finish in your workbook

  • the mail you collect

  • the music you listen to, and dance to!

  • and, the kind things you do for others.


Part of thriving is to stay as safe as we can.  Unfortunately, we must do the right thing and wait a little longer before we can all get back to the Church and our regular Prep to Step-Up Program.

We will be continuing our pause until it is safe to return.  Hopefully if not before, we are now looking at April 6, 2021 as our new date to return.  It is OK to be disappointed.  We are disappointed, too but we know you will understand.  We will continue with Prep at Home in January and talk to each other on Zoom.  Also, I think when we do get back we should start the Spring Semester off with a celebration party !  We have done the work !  We have thrived together ! We deserve to celebrate !


What do you think ?  Should we start off with a party in April ?

Thank you to all of you that sent in your reports and photos !  The Step-Up News wouldn’t be the same without you !

Please know we think of you often !  Stay safe and “See you soon !”

For the Prep to Step-Up Team, Doreen McCall

Work keeps us going; makes us feel OK !  We are very proud of everyone doing the work so well ! 

You may often hear, “ This will be over soon.  It will not last forever. ” This is true, if we do the work and all follow the rules.

People are thinkers.  We need to be with one another.  We need to shake each other’s hands and be close to each other.  We need to feel we belong.  Until more answers can be found, we have the strength to adapt together to new ways of thriving despite COVID-19 !

Thank you kindly to all those who have participated in the Prep at Home Workbook Program ! It was wonderful to see everyone on Pick-Up Day.  Seeing all your smiling eyes above your masks helped to bring extra warmth to an already sunny day!  Thank you for coming !

Going forward we will continue to have fun learning with all of you who choose to participate in the next Workbook Program starting January 6, 2021.  Zoom visits to complement the workbook will also continue.

Please Sign-Up ASAP to Save Your Spot.

Please spread the word - the more the merrier !


Read more information below or visit the website for more information.

Prep at Home Workbook Program:
Winter Wonderland

January 6 - March 25, 2021

The program includes 2, 45 page full colour workbooks, professionally written and designed for Neurodiverse Adults and available in 3 levels of ability. The workbooks are complemented by 9 Zoom sessions; 3 per month to encourage conversation and socialization.

Cost: $500.00 (This includes resources to complete the program)

Payment by eTranfer (, or cash/cheque on pick up day.

Reciepts issued promptly for Passport reimbursement.

For more information or to register your interest, please contact Doreen McCall  or  905-699-2269.   Calls Welcomed.


Harry is enjoying the Prep from Home Workbook Program.


Hello, November !

Your orange and red
Have become yellow and brown.
Your soft, sunny skies
Are now wispy and bound
For snow clouds are coming !
The birds are flying south.
The frost is seen on every roof
“Oh, my !” We form by mouth !

November is a month of pause.
It gives us time to rest.
Preparing for December
For all the tinsel and the zest.
We can be thankful for the changes
Every special month unfolds.
Different is always good for us
If only the truth were told !

So!  Thank you to November !
Hibernation has begun,
Bird feeders are all filled up
And the clouds are on the run !
“Relax and smooth your furry brow”,
Miss Mouse will kindly say.
“Keep cozy, safe, warm and kind.
Tomorrow is always another day !”
                                                         ~~ Doreen McCall

Animals Adapt ! So can you !

A new tree struggles to grow up between the rock. 

“Never Ignore a Possible!” 

Messages from the Prep Circle:


I had a Halloween party on zoom with my friends. There were some great costumes.

I was a pumpkin. we played games.


on Halloween I gave out candy.  

we only had 14 kids come.


We have been going on a lot of fall walks.  


I painted rocks and gave them to people to make them happy.


Tomorrow is Remembrance Day. We are going to
the Cenotaph to talk about the soldiers.
I am going to wear my poppy Dress.


~Reporter Madison


Hello! My Halloween was good! My Dad and I carved a big pumpkin.


There had been lots of sunny weather lately and I love going outside and playing basketball on my driveway!


I also love the snow, hopefully when it comes I will make a snowman.

~Reporter Victoria



I've been having lots of fun while remaining socially distanced. 


We had a backyard fire pit party, and we went bowling for Halloween.

~Reporter John


Hi everyone,


I hope everyone again has been keeping up with their health throughout the whole Covid-19 Crisis, but we are all still fighting through this together during this cold Autumn season.


It's been quite an awesome family trip for my parents and I during the end of October as we've stayed over for a week at a small resort in the town of Collingwood.


The area was nice there during the colourful autumn, but more importantly we participated and enjoyed the award-winning Scandinave Spa Blue Mountain (see image) which was renowned for the outdoor Scandinavian Baths experience. It's where guests spend a few hours (day or night for all seasons) relaxing in the hydrotherapy circuit (hot tubs, saunas, and massages) whilst enjoying the serenity of the surrounding natural environment and it really relieves any stress out of us.


Thanks and stay well,



I have been celebrating my birthday with my granddaughter this past week with lots of giggles!




Hello everyone! 

What beautiful weather we have had the past couple of weeks.


I look forward to working together on Workbook #2 during our upcoming Zoom meetings.


Check out this beautiful view from Rattlesnake Point!

Talk to you soon,



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Thank you Madison, for the best 10 years

For Jonathan


Dig Deep; Find the Positivity.   
You are safe.   You are not alone.

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Jessica - Her Painting from the Prep at Home Workbook

Madison loves to hike!

Rebecca made her own mask just for fun!

William in Disguise!


Shaun's Broccoli Painting from the Prep at Home Workbook

Workbook #2 Pick-Up Day
Brittany, Harry, Doreen, Anne and Jessica

You can do it!

Once Upon a Snowman

ASD Band - Performed and Produced by Adults with Neurodiversities

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No-Bake Cinnamon Applesauce
Cut-Out Decorations


1 Cup Ground Cinnamon
3/4 Cup Unsweetened Applesauce
2 Tablespoons White Glue (optional)
Makes 12 - 18 cut-outs

Ziploc Bag - Medium or Large
2 pieces of waxed or parchment paper
1 Rolling Pin - Make one with a rounded glass
   Bottle or Jar with a screw-on top filled with ice water
1 Cookie Sheet, 1 Straw
Cookie Cutters like Gingerbread Man, Christmas Tree or Star
Ribbon or String
Oven Mitts for Baking

Now lets get baking!


1.  In a sealed Ziploc Bag, mix cinnamon and unsweetened applesauce until blended. 

     If too sticky add more cinnamon. 
2.  Sprinkle cinnamon on 1 piece of paper
3.  Place dough between the 2 pieces of paper.
4.  Roll out dough to 1/4”.
5.  Tap cookie cutter into spare cinnamon each time you cut out each shape.
6.  Place cut-outs on a cookie sheet.
7.  Use a straw to place a hole for ribbon at top of cut-out.
8.  No-Bake:-  leave on a cookie sheet to dry 24-48 hours
                        -  turn over every 6 hours to dry quicker
9.  Bake in the oven at 200* F. for 2 hours
                        -  use Oven Mitts to remove
                        -  after 5 minutes, flip over and let sit until dry
10. Decorate with ribbon or string for hanging

                        - use clove heads for buttons or eyes for added scent.
- tie short sprigs of cedar or pine together; add cut-out.
                        - add to presents as an extra gift or hang on the tree.
                        - these will last for many years.

Remember to Tidy-Up !!  Have Fun !!
This can be more fun with a socially distanced Buddy!

Looking Forward to Christmas...

Looking Forward to the New Year...
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"Never Ignore A Possible!"

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